Tensions Rise as Sheinbaum Ignored at Assembly Event

During an informative assembly in Mexico City, President Claudia Sheinbaum was notably ignored by significant members of her party, highlighting political priorities and tensions within the government. Despite being welcomed by supporters, key figures were distracted, raising questions about respect for leadership within the ruling party.

Tensions Rise as Sheinbaum Ignored at Assembly Event

President Claudia Sheinbaum downplayed the lack of attention she received from several prominent members of the 4T when she was ignored upon her arrival at the Informative Assembly held last Sunday in the Zócalo of Mexico City. Instead of welcoming her, they were busy chatting and taking selfies with Andrés Manuel López Beltrán, known as Andy.

The attitude of the parliamentary leaders of Morena in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies toward the president reveals their political priorities at that moment. Both Adán Augusto López and Ricardo Monreal not only failed to pay attention to Sheinbaum's first mass event, but instead focused on pleasing Andy.

Upon the announcement of President Sheinbaum's arrival, attendees applauded her while the VIP area awaited her passage. However, a group of "heroes of the homeland" did not notice her presence until later, resulting in an evident rudeness.

Among the distracted were Luisa María Alcalde, Manuel Velasco, Carlos Puente, and the Morena senator Alejandro Esquer, who later apologized on social media, which generated more controversy and revealed the little importance they give to the president.

For her part, Sheinbaum has been a victim of recent political slights, such as the modification of a presidential initiative that directly affects her plans to combat nepotism. This lack of respect from her party colleagues demonstrates the lack of consideration for her presidential office.

The political management in Morena indicates that Sheinbaum is not seen as a moral leader or as a central figure in the long term within the movement. Some close to the president seek to form a new political party that better reflects her ideals, given the evidence that Morena follows the directives of López Obrador.

Sheinbaum's loyalty to her mentor will be put to the test, as the conflicting positions between maintaining her support for AMLO and addressing national issues could create tensions in the future. López Obrador's influence remains dominant in the party's internal politics, indicating the importance of following his directives to remain in power.